You want to Plant trees but don't have time? Plant GREEN will save you

Let People plant trees for you by just providing them equipments

What problem do we solve?

You might want to plant trees but don't have enough time.

You might want to plant trees have time, but don't have resources.

Here at Plant Green, we bridge this gap. People with resources can send ethers to smartContract for those who have time to plant sampling

And if they plant the trees and provide proof only then they receieve the compensation.

Works perfectly even in trustless environment

How it works?

You just have to add the number of plants you want to plant and pay fee to the contract.

A student somewhere will accept the work, and will plant a tree

He will provide pics, videos, etc to the smart contract of planting

Some people with position of validators will check the proof and vote if it is authentic or not.

If the proof is fake, You will get your money back from the contract.

If the proof is valid, That person will receive the compensation

Validators might receive a small fee for voting